HIDDEN in plain sight is a modern-day supernatural noir game set in New York City and sprawling the rest of America. Magic is real, and so are angels, ghosts, gods, vampires, and witches. It doesn't matter if you believe in them, because they're coming for you either way.
NEWS( 9/25 ) - Opening day YEAHHHHHHH. Be sure to read the rules before applying for your characters, yo. -toska
STAFF( TOSKA ) - Head admin, your go-to for anything HIDDEN related
( TSUNDERE ) - Not actually staff, but has residual staff powers from v4. Feel free to pester with questions.( MURK ) - Ad mod, resident cutie pie. Keep it in your pants or Toska will cut you. ( VERTIGO ) - takes no math classes. SPOTLIGHTHIDDEN's spotlights give kudos to anything awesome. It can be a character, a member, a thread, or even a cool plot!
( SPOTLIGHT ) - Lorem ipsum character stuff goes here. ( SPOTLIGHT ) - Lorem ipsum character stuff goes here. ( SPOTLIGHT ) - Lorem ipsum character stuff goes here. CREDITS( ORIGINAL SITE BY KATYA ) - Original site, templates, skin, ideas, and system all by Katya. Other ideas belong to their original owners